ATTENTION: A new version of this product is available.

Retarget a Mixamo Animation to a UE4 Character

Retargeting a Mixamo Animation to a UE4 Character is very simple, and uses the standard UE4 workflow. You can read more about the UE4 retargeting system here:

The UE4 Mixamo Animation Retargeting plugin automatically performs all the configurations needed by UE4.

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Video Tutorial

This video tutorial shows, after having applied the plugin, how to retarget a Mixamo animation to a UE4 character using the UE4 Mannequin.

How to - step by step

To retarget a Mixamo animation to an Unreal Engine 4 character (i.e. any skeletal mesh based on the UE4 Mannequin skeleton):

Done :) You'll find the new retargeted animation in your Content Browser.

Run the "Retarget Anim Assets" > "Duplicate Anim Assets and Retarget" action Select the UE4 Mannequin skeleton

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