UE5 360 Stereo Panoramic Player 1.2.5
Create interactive Media Players and Virtual Tours for mono and stereo 360 panoramic images and videos in Unreal Engine 5.
▼CAActor | |
CAPanoramicDirector | Handle the playing of panoramic experiences |
CAPanoramicSphere | PanoramicSphere is the main class to view a panoramic source (both UTexture2D and MediaTexture) |
▼CADefaultPawn | |
CAPanoramicPawn | The default pawn for the panoramic experience |
CFPanoramicPosition | A position in the panoramic scene |
CFPanoramicStageImageData | Collects data for an image stage |
CFPanoramicStageMovieData | Collects data for a movie stage |
CFPanoramicStageNavigation | A stage navigation allows to switch from one stage to another one |
CFSphereConfig | Configuration for the sphere generation |
▼CIModuleInterface | |
CFStereoPanoramicPlayerModule | Plugin module implementation |
CIPanoramicWidgetViewfinderInterface | Panoramic UMG Widget Viewfinder interface |
▼CUActorComponent | |
CUPanoramicInteractionComponent | The component used to perfom interactions with the stage navigations |
▼CUBlueprintFunctionLibrary | |
CUPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary | Utilities functions accessible even from blueprints |
▼CUDataAsset | |
CUPanoramicExperience | Collects data of a panoramic experience |
CUPanoramicStage | Defines a stage of a panoramic experience |
▼CUInterface | |
CUPanoramicWidgetViewfinderInterface | |
▼CUObject | |
CUNavigationTexture | The navigation texture "wraps" a UTexture2D and allow the access of its raw data from the cpu |
▼CUWidgetComponent | |
CUPanoramicWidgetComponent | UPanoramicWidgetComponent extends the UWidgetComponent to overwrite the default material, and to associate a stage navigation data |