ATTENTION: A new version of this product is available.

Basics - How to import a Mixamo animation in UE4

The following are basic and generic instructions to correctly import an animation from the Mixamo website into an Unreal Engine 4 project. Playing with the options in Mixamo and Unreal Engine 4, more advanced workflows are possible.

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Done :) You'll find the Mixamo animation in the Content Browser.

Now you are ready to retarget this Mixamo animation to character using the UE4 Mannequin.

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Import failed. Mesh contains root bone as root but animation doesn't contain the root track.

If you get the following error message when importing a Mixamo animation:

FBXImport: Error: Mesh contains root bone as root but animation doesn't contain the root track.
Import failed.

then look at the detailed documentation on how to fix it.

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